Check out Flipsnack’s real estate solution, presented in this editable real estate MLS-friendly brochure. Using the RESO system, we used the same identifiers to automate the design process for you and your agents. Upload your own property details and click on “Use listing”, so your own text transfers onto the existing layout. Rearrange, resize or remove any text box, so your information is shown correctly. Add your
brand kit, starting with the logo, custom typography, and colors to maintain your company’s identity throughout the publication. Include
interactivity, such as a virtual tour, embed maps, videos showing off the property, and a photo slideshow. An uncluttered design is the key to showing professionalism within a digital flipbook, just like in this digital realty MLS-friendly brochure example. Once you’re ready to share this automated brochure, use the unlisted full-view link or embed it on your website, ensuring a bigger online reach.