Bring your insurance team in one place to make employee benefit booklets, guides, or flyers, that you can:
Trusted by the world’s most innovative businesses
I call them interactive benefit guides because of the ability to link out to provider resources and embed educational videos to aid in the communication of open enrollment. My favorite part is that when you inevitably find a typo, you can just fix it and reload the corrected guide behind the scenes without calling attention to the error. It's easy to use and creates a wow factor at open enrollment that helps differentiate my firm from the competition.
Bring your PDF benefit booklets to Flipsnack and transform them into easily accessible interactive benefit guides in a matter of seconds.
Include branding elements: company logo, custom fonts, and colors to maintain brand consistency across all created documents. Make it interactive with links, videos, and photo slideshows.
Publish the employee benefits content as unlisted (access only through shared link), email, or password-protect it.
Analyze how your clients interact with the employee benefits guides by looking at clicks, average time spent on each page, and more. Based on these Flipsnack statistics, make the necessary changes to the package, with updates visible in real-time.
Need to include last-minute client requests or a recently added benefit? Flipsnack allows real-time edits for any employee benefits document. Just refresh the guide’s link, and the visual or text edits will be visible. You can also replace a PDF without losing the interactions you might have already added.
Get in touchCreate multiple workspaces within the same Flipsnack account, for each office location. Invite teammates and work together smoothly by checking the teammate activity logs.
Assign the right role for your teammates’ responsibilities. Check limitations for editor, agent, or contributor and collaborate on-brand without stress and more efficiently.
Hide employee benefits guides from unwanted views and search engines. Publish it unlisted and then share it safely with clients. No one without its link will be able to track it down.
Branded email sharing is another privacy protection option for confidential documents. Alternatively, opt for SSO sharing to ultimately protect everything you distribute internally.
Add an extra layer of security to employee benefits content. Use a password, share it with the intended audience, and protect sensitive data every time you communicate with clients.
Keep your data safe and secure with Flipsnack. All your employee benefit presentations, booklets, guides are hosted securely on our platform. Request SSO login for teammates that you invite into a workspace and don’t worry about outside access to private documents.
Get in touchReal data of clients’ interaction is not just “nice to have”. It’s crucial. Digital employee guides or handbooks by Flipsnack show statistics like views, clicks, and average time spent. Create multiple trackable links for the same publication, and see the exact behavior of each client. Optimize the content based on this data.
Discover professional employee benefits guide templates available in the Design Studio. These templates contain real information you can reuse, minimizing the work left for you to do. Add phone links, or other external links, use tables to present the benefits and easily share it with clients.
Without access to statistics, it’s close to impossible. But with Flipsnack’s statistics, measuring the success of employee benefits packages is a matter of a few clicks. Once you share an employee benefit guide, flyer, or booklet, the statistics will be available to you: see how many clients opened it, clicked on elements inside it, or perhaps downloaded the PDF format.
An employee benefit booklet builder is a tool that simplifies the employee benefit creation and distribution. It has a great array of relevant functionalities: security and privacy features, interactions, and centralized asset management.