Operate your medical care documents with a complete online solution

As a medical professional, your top priority is for patients to trust that you are the best option for them. Flipsnack is the bridge between your medical care services and your patients. Build trust by creating personalized medical brochures and catalogs.

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Transparent play button Health Magazine Template

Trusted by the world’s most innovative businesses

HSHS Medical Group Logo
John Muir Health Logo
St Luke's Logo
Green Cross Health Logo
St Joseph's logo

Create interactive medical brochures

Whether we are talking about medical publications or coronavirus informational brochures, adding interactivity allows you to reach a wider audience by making your information more accessible for your patients. Simply upload your PDFs into our Design Studio, and then make them more attractive with the help of our various interactive elements such as videos, images, virtual tours of the hospitals, to further enhance your patients' trust in your medical expertise and facilities.

Upload your PDF
interactive medical brochures in Flipsnack

There is more to Flipsnack

Making a medical brochure in Flipsnack

Medical brochures are one of the most popular ways for both pharmaceutical companies and medical facilities to promote your health and wellness services. With our Design Studio, you can go from scratch to a complete professional design in an instant:

Online medical brochures templates

Flipsnack empowers the entire medical staff to create and distribute informational coronavirus medical brochures, with the help of our powerful Design Studio.

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Online medical presentations templates

Great for both internal and external communication, keep everyone up to date with your medical research using our medical presentations templates.

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Online medical posters templates

Every medical conference requires a worthy poster to accompany it. Promote your medical event using our medical poster templates.

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Privacy options for all your medical publishing needs

the option of keeping your medical documents unlisted


Your private medical documents are invisible from Google’s search engine and people can access them only through a direct link.

the option of sharing your medical materials with specific people

Share with specific people only

Pick the precise people who you will want to have access and see your medical materials.

the option of password protecting your medical content

Password protected

Your medical content can only be accessed by those who have both the link and the password for your documents.

Icon Testimonial

When I was hired as the eLearning specialist, the 500+ sales people needed a completely updated approach to train on medical devices, surgeon techniques, etc. The updated training solution was designed to be mobile, blended, and deliver user focused continuous learning! Flipsnack was hands down the best selection as one of our tools to deliver on-demand mobile training. With all its features, such as inserting videos and images, working TOC, and other instructional quality – Flipsnack exceeded our expectations… every time.

Cleon McClure
Communications Specialist

Personalized sharing options for your medical documents

Full Screen URL

This feature allows you to expand your medical publications on the entire screen, without a header, footer, or anything else.

Embed on your website

Integrate your medical brochures on your website by simply copying and pasting the HTML code on your page.

sharing medical journals via email

Share via email

Besides many other sharing options, you can approach your clients directly by sharing your medical journals via email.

Want a complete and easy solution for your medical needs?