Create publications faster with Flipsnack AI

We're on a mission to integrate AI to multiple levels of our product, beginning with one-click flipbook translations and AI-generated page summaries for accessibility. Let these AI driven innovations elevate your Flipsnack experience and speed up the creation and distribution of your flipbooks.

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Translate entire flipbooks

Want to take your publications global? Easily translate entire flipbooks created from scratch and with a single click, and reach a global audience without the need for external translation services.

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Translate entire flipbooks with one click in Flipsnack

Add page summaries for accessibility

Finished your flipbook? Now, make it accessible to everyone with our AI magic! Automatically generate text and image descriptions for each page, enhancing accessibility and helping screen readers communicate your publication’s content inclusively.

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Make publications’ content accessible with AI

Translate text boxes

Looking to translate just a few texts within your flipbook? No worries! With Flipsnack, you can translate single or multiple text boxes directly on the platform, making it easy to create a new publication and reach diverse audiences worldwide.

Translate texts directly in Flipsnack

AI enhancements coming soon

And we're not stopping here! We've got more AI integrations in the pipeline, so stay tuned for even more ways to supercharge your Flipsnack experience!

Convert text into an image

Imagine inputting a description in Flipsnack and having an image generated for you. This functionality will soon be available on our platform.

Generate and rephrase texts

When creating a flipbook from scratch, you will be able to generate new text and revise it to effectively convey your ideas, all while working fast and smart.

Statistics summary

Want to quickly check your flipbook's performance? Generate a statistical report for a specific flipbook or compare it with others in your account.

Lars Herzog
Logo Newell Brands

An online tool like Flipsnack allows us to reduce costs and the time to market. It allows us to get catalogs in front of our customers fast and easily. So switching over to digital catalogs came as the perfect solution for our needs.

Lars Herzog
Head of Digital & Online Marketing, EMEA region

Ready to test Flipsnack AI?

Experience the most robust AI-enhanced flipbook maker