CHRISTIAN STRATEGIES FOR HEALTH eNEWSLETTER #1 Hi. My name is Diane Davis and I want to thank you for getting this information- packed newsletter series. My passion is to help other Christian believers discern and apply Biblically-sound health information, from many different available sources, to reduce their stress, manage their weight, improve their health and develop a deeper relationship with the Lord. If you’ve seen my website, and read My Free Report, you know that, as a Registered Nurse for almost 35 years, I’ve specialized in self-management education for folks with cardiac disease, strokes, and other neurological diseases. I’ve lost about 100 lbs and maintained that change for over 9 years . I’ve had the privilege of teaching healthier life choices in business settings, community groups, church Sunday School Classes, and as part of my professional Nursing career serving our Veterans. I intend that you get great value from your personal investment in this educational eNewsletter. I have to tell you I admire your decision to subscribe to this eNewsletter. Unlike most people, you’ve decided to not buy into the deception that some pill, crazy eating plan, or sheer will power effort on your part will magically reduce your stress and manage your weight. But even more than that, you know, as a Christian believer, that it is God who is awesomely in control, no matter how much our culture tells us we are our o wn ‘Creator’. You do not accept the self-absorbed, self-obsessed beliefs that deny the very essence of Christ’s sacrifice for us. You already know that it is the Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth, not those weird “spiritual guides” offered by some. So, in this eNewsletter, you will find information that is NOT a diet and exercise plan, nor will the information or techniques present a worldview that denies your Christian beliefs.