This is the essential Christian Strategy for Health: a life surrendered to Christ . This entire company, and every product offered, is based on one life-transforming Scripture: “… because God is working in you to help you want to do and be able to do what pleases Him” (Philippians 2:13, New Century Version) It is a pleasure, and an honor, to share this faith journey to improve your health choices . So, l et’ s get right into the information, so you can decide if what you learn here will work for you as a Christian believer. Will you agree that our world is STRESSFUL , COMPLICATED , OVERSCHEDULED , MEDIA-INFLUENCED , ENVIRONMENTALLY TOXIC AND NOT GOD-CENTERED ? If you’ re relating to this, you already know this is true, so I’m not going into the frightening disease statistics that I, as a RN, have been watching worsen in our world. Instead, I’m challengin g you to look at a possibly new, to you, perspective of our basic Christian beliefs that has the potential to radically change your understanding of your health and God’s plan for you. If you think this is a bold claim, you’re right! Biblically, God’s Plan for Adam & Eve in the Garden looked like this: