Thanksgiving is upon us and I thought this was a good time to count the things for which I am thankful as Board President of Parents for Public Schools. 1. OUR PPS CHAPTERS As a chapter-based organization, our chapters are the lifeblood of PPS. Every chapter is made up of smart, energetic, motivated parents (and grandparents) working in their local communities to strengthen the public schools that serve ALL children. Our PPS Chapters are the real-life laboratories where “Authentic Parent Engagement” meets “School Improvement” meets “Student Achievement”. Every Chapter is different, but they are all part of a network that understands that when parents and schools work together, “Everyone Wins”. I am thankful for the work of our wonderful PPS Chapters in elevating the role of parents in public schools from passive consumers to active participants. 2. OUR PPS NATIONAL STAFF There is a jewel in Jackson, Mississippi in the form of our PPS National Staff. Individually, every staff member is a skilled professional with years of experience, who understands the value of public education and why this work is so important. Collectively, these folks bring expertise, passion, and efciency to our PPS operations at the National Ofce in support of our Chapters and the National Board. It’s National Staff who deliver our PPS-branded programs and products regionally and nationally. As a National Board member, I appreciate staff working closely with our board committees. I am thankful for our talented PPS National Staff and for the work they do to make PPS an outstanding organization. 3. OUR PPS NETWORK OF FUNDERS, DONORS, SUPPORTERS, COLLEAGUES, AND FRIENDS We are blessed to have a strong and consistent network of long-time funders and supporters, donors and friends, and colleagues who know who we are and agree with us that public education is a value. I count among this group our PPS National Advisory Board , which includes many prominent gures and well- known experts and advocates from the business, K-12 education, higher education, and public advocacy communities. There is also a broader network of teachers and administrators, former PPSN Board members, Parent Leadership Institute (PLI) graduates, education thought leaders, non-prot colleagues, and public ofcials who know about PPS and continue to support us with their nancial contributions and promote us through their inuence. I am thankful for this Network of individuals and groups who trust PPS and support our mission and vision through their words and actions. Thanksgiving W hat I’m Thankful For