Explora Flipsnack. Transforma archivos PDF aburridos en atractivos flipbooks digitales. Comparte, interactúa y efectúa un seguimiento del desempeño en la misma plataforma.
Desde revistas hasta catálogos o documentos internos privados, puedes hacer que cualquier publicación con efecto de cambio de página, se vea impresionante con Flipsnack.
Revisa los ejemplos de nuestros clientes. Revistas digitales, gacetas, ebooks, folletos, volantes, etc.
Plantillas prediseñadas para crear publicaciones impresionantes en minutos
He aquí ocho razones por las que deberías considerar elegir flipbooks digitales interactivos en lugar de PDF aburridos y estáticos. ¡Échales un vistazo!
Publish employee benefits guides online with Flipsnack, making them readily accessible to clients and their employees directly in the browser. This secure, private, cost-effective solution also offers easy tracking with built-in statistics.
Goza de la confianza de las empresas más innovadoras del mundo
I call them interactive benefit guides because of the ability to link out to provider resources and embed educational videos to aid in the communication of open enrollment. My favorite part is that when you inevitably find a typo, you can just fix it and reload the corrected guide behind the scenes without calling attention to the error. It's easy to use and creates a wow factor at open enrollment that helps differentiate my firm from the competition.
Bring your employee benefits PDF to Flipsnack to convert it to a flippable publication in a few minutes.
You can add interactive elements in your guide, and brand your employee benefits guide, booklet, or flyer.
Get a private sharing link in a matter of minutes, or send your guides to clients via email, directly from Flipsnack.
Invite teammates with different workspace roles to work together on assets.
Share the password protected link with clients on any platform or send branded emails with your guide.
Make real-time updates to your employee benefits guide under the same link.
Easily track statistics that help you understand how clients interact with your benefits guides
Our platform supports the integration of links, videos, forms, and interactive maps
Provide a consistent reading experience for every screen size and every client
We're well aware that employee benefits guides are important documents that should be used for internal communication. At Flipsnack, we provide multiple ways in which you can protect your guides and keep them confidential:
These employee benefits templates are designed to be easily customized with your detailed texts, extensive tables, and interactive links. Tweak a template or craft a unique design from the ground up. Flipsnack simplifies the creation process of professional employee benefits brochures and guides.
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