Explora Flipsnack. Transforma archivos PDF aburridos en atractivos flipbooks digitales. Comparte, interactúa y efectúa un seguimiento del desempeño en la misma plataforma.
Desde revistas hasta catálogos o documentos internos privados, puedes hacer que cualquier publicación con efecto de cambio de página, se vea impresionante con Flipsnack.
Revisa los ejemplos de nuestros clientes. Revistas digitales, gacetas, ebooks, folletos, volantes, etc.
Plantillas prediseñadas para crear publicaciones impresionantes en minutos
Reseñas de Flipsnack
He aquí ocho razones por las que deberías considerar elegir flipbooks digitales interactivos en lugar de PDF aburridos y estáticos. ¡Échales un vistazo!
Communicate differently with your audience through online brochures that support interactivity. Drive engagement through videos, photo slideshows, and product tags. Maximize your reach by embedding the brochure on your website or share it via social media.
Goza de la confianza de las empresas más innovadoras del mundo
Enhance your online brochure through interactive elements. Make a lasting impression on potential clients by adding videos, product tags, or pop-up frames with different interactive content like surveys. Boost engagement and turn readers into customers.
Flipsnack is built for interaction. It can easily deal with external videos, iFrames, mp3s, and so more. It’s just brilliant. I love using it, and our teams are amazed by the level of interaction.
See what content engages people by the number of clicks, and how many read the brochure. Use this data to make targeted changes.
Change brochure content under the same link. Fix typos, revise prices, and update information in brochures your clients already received.
Add pop-up frames, iframe codes, quizzes to gather valuable feedback. Communicate better with your audience through these engagement features.
Maintain seamless brand consistency in your digital brochures with Flipsnack. Simply integrate your logo, custom fonts, and brand colors into a shared kit, making it accessible for your entire team. Once the brochures are crafted, highlight your brand’s identity by replacing Flipsnack markers and finalizing with branded emails to your audience.
Organize teams and delegate tasks when working on multiple brochures. Manage your team easier by designating roles and workspaces. Grant access to tools for effective collaboration in Design Studio with teammate permissions and restrictions for each design. Track their activity and accountability through account logs.
Create a digital brochure without a PDF version on hand. Choose from the variety of brochure templates available and customize them to fit your business. Pick one for your industry, add branding elements and interactivities before sharing it online.
AI-powered digital brochure tool for making accessible brochures. With Flipsnack you can automatically generate alt texts for each page, to be read by screen readers. Ensure your content is fully accessible and inclusive and reaches even bigger audiences with Flipsnack’s AI tool.
Captivate your audience with your website by embedding your latest online brochure. No coding skills. Freshen up your home page by incorporating your online brochure. Showcase your latest offers and give (potential) clients smooth access to your products and services.
Promote your products or services by sharing the brochure on social media, through direct link, or by website embed for broader reach.
Communicate company reports internally by sharing them through a secure link, or using SSO. Publish brochures unlisted to keep data private.
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